Goals and Objectives of SFDXA

To bring together persons having a mutual interest in the DX field of amateur radio and promote goodwill through the use of amateur radio.

  • To provide the South Florida area with a unified voice in matters affecting our interests to the DX and Contest Advisory Committees.
  • To help newcomers to the world of DXing.
  • To encourage proper DX operating techniques on the bands and encourage group attendance at conventions and other amateur activities.
  • Provide an area wide amateur radio communications system using VHF. Our 2 meter repeater is on 147.330 MHz



  • Full Members have access to the club station and also have voting rights to determine club business;
  • Meet active members of the local DX community at bi-monthly SFDXA dinner meetings;
  • Hear informative speakers; witness technical demonstrations of new amateur products;
  • Learn about propagation, antennas, digital operating modes and more. Meet DXpedition team members;
  • Greet foreign DXers touring South Florida;
  • View rare DXpedition videos, and strategize with others about how to work upcoming DXpeditions;
  • View unusual or rare QSL cards recently received from DX stations;
  • Learn how to obtain that elusive DX QSL card from our members who already possess the one card that you still need!

And More.......

  • Present your QSL cards in person for DXCC and CQ Award credit to our local, authorized, card examiner who is present at our regular meetings. This eliminates the need for you to send your cards out-of-state, thereby allowing you to maintain control of your valuable DX QSL cards at all times;
  • Save time and effort by using our convenient, local, SFDXA outbound DX QSL service;
  • Exchange DX information daily with fellow members on the SFDXA wide area repeater;
  • Learn from our DXCC Honor Roll members the operating secrets you need to know to achieve that level of distinction;
  • Acquire valuable information on the SFDXA website;
  • Obtain physical assistance from other members for your tower and antenna projects;
  • Operate the HF bands from a well-equipped club station (Full Members only);
  • Advance your knowledge of proper DX operating techniques and etiquette;
  • Enjoy periodic, private, SFDXA social gatherings (backyard BBQ’s and similar events);
  • Examine the results of annual Member Equipment Survey to find out what equipment our members are currently using to successfully work DX;
  • Receive a distinctive SFDXA membership badge and be proudly listed on our website roster.